Participation Agreements 2016-Current
“Participation Agreements” is a display of performance evidence acquired over the past year while work on “Everyone I Have Ever Slept With”. Throughout the series, I realized that my sex life and the work I did in the studio were inseparable. My sex life revolved around the paintings to the point where I could not afford to sleep with someone unable to participate in the series. The documents work as a reverse non disclosure agreement. Participants notified of the project before intercourse, then given the option if they wish to participate in the series, which was indistinguishable from the act itself. They are in no way binding by law, or by my personal standards due to my lack of interest in breaching someone's comfort level. The contracts are symbolic of the different forms of exchange that we encounter though sexual intercourse. The universal exchange was altered on my end through the work on the series and therefore altered on the end of anyone I engaged in sexual activity with.